Supporting Hospitals to Respond to Domestic Violence

 ‘Women access hospitals during stages of their lives that are high-risk periods for family violence. A strong theme in the evidence before the [Family Violence Royal] Commission was the important role that hospitals can play in responding to victims of family violence’ (Royal Commission into Family Violence, Vol 4, Pg. 9).

The recently released Royal Commission into Family Violence report highlighted the importance of the broader health system identifying and responding to family violence[1].  Although the Royal Commission was provided with examples of ‘good practice and innovation’ in identifying and responding to violence, a lack of cohesion and consistency was found across the health sector and the broader service system.

SW team have expertise in responding to domestic violence, supporting women and children who have experienced family violence and engaging and working with men who use violence. The ShantiWorks’ team knows how to support, educate and resource health care professionals to manage this critical issue. This is turn increases the confidence and expertise of health professionals in responding to suspected/disclosures of family violence.

ShantiWorks would like to offer health services who wish to increase their knowledge and improve their response to domestic/family violence the opportunity to participate in group training that is structured to meet the needs of individual organisations.  ShantiWorks group training programs can include:

  • an understanding of what constitutes family violence.

  • assessment skills that will assist in identifying victim-survivors as well as perpetrators of family violence.

  • a safe, respectful and productive approach to responding to disclosures of violence.

  • assistance in developing and improving organisational policies and practices in relation to family violence.

  • support, debriefing and supervision for participants

ShantiWorks would like to offer the following sessions to staff:

  • Family/domestic Violence and How it may Present (3 hours).

  • The 4 R’s: Strategies and Techniques for Responding to Family Violence (3 hours).

  • Changing Workplace Cultures: Improving Safety and Wellbeing in relation to Family/Domestic Violence (3 hours).

Cost: $350 per session per participant. A discount of 20% will be offered to group bookings for four participants or more. This cost will include light refreshments.

Venue: ShantiWorks site, 210 Bridge Road, Richmond, 3121. For sessions of more than 15 participants an alternative venue will be arranged.

Book Sessions: Email or contact us here.

ShantiWorks is a small organisation in Richmond, Melbourne, founded by Dr Tracy Castelino, designed to work for equality, peace and justice. The ShantiWorks’ team has significant experience in working with victim-survivors and perpetrators of family violence as well as violence prevention projects. ShantiWorks has experience in the development and facilitation of training packages assisting professionals from various fields to develop their understanding of what constitutes family violence, the common myths and misconceptions in relation to violence and developing the required skills and resources to respond to disclosures of violence. ShantiWorks has provided training to health professionals from a range of specialised areas, including GP’s, dentists, nursing staff and professionals from the field of health promotion.