Training and workshops

Reflective practice and supervision

Team reflective practices/supervision establishes a context for negotiating and re-negotiating staff experiences by deconstructing their taken-for-granted thinkings and practices. The ShantiWorks team work from a feminist, post structuralist and collaborative therapeutic approach and present frameworks and create spaces to explore theories for practice. This approach offers a supportive line of enquiry, facilitating respectful and reflective questioning processes from within the group and explores power accountabilities and gender relations.

We work with a number of services across the community sectors (domestic and family violence, community legal, housing) in offering reflective space to explore theories and frameworks; ethical dilemmas, tensions and struggles; practice work; and nourishment.

The use of critical reflection in collaborative practices increases the chances of the learning being relevant and meaningful to professionals. Therefore worker’s engagement in reflection can assist them in making sense of themselves, their learning experience and preparation for future work.

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ShantiWorks offers supportive and nourishing conversations with people about their experiences of pain and hurt.

ShantiWorks specialises in working with people of all ages who have experienced violence by a family member.  The ShantiWorks team hope to create a space that allows for women and children to make sense of their experiences, to develop an understanding of why people they care for hurt them and the many ways in which women and children attempt to stay safe and better their lives.

Through these conversations the ShantiWorks team often challenges mainstream ideas that tend to place responsibility for violence on women and children, that reduce women and children’s experiences to simple ideas such as ‘choosing to stay’ with someone who uses violence. We also bring forward the care and acts of strength and resistance of women and children who experience violence which is important in the process of healing from such pain.

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Our new and developing work

  • Gender Audit Tool

    The ShantiWorks team can assist organisations to create a more gender equitable and diverse workplace by working alongside management and staff to implement the ShantiWorks Gender Audit Tool. This is a flexible and negotiated process that enables organisations to:

    • Focus on visible and invisible mechanisms of power, privilege and influence and how these form culture within the workplace.

    • Embed gender equality and diversity in organisational policies and procedures.

    • Assist organisations to adopt new initiatives that enhance gender equality.

    • Apply a gender equality and diversity lens to organisational partnership choices

    The ShantiWorks team is happy to provide a project brief that is constructed to maximise participatory action by all levels of the organisation as research has shown that this brings about more successful and sustainable change. Each step of the process can be adapted to meet the needs of an organisation.